Located in Beckley, WV

(304) 253-4879

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Seby has been working in the computer field for over a decade. She spent the last few years helping to run a computer shop in downtown Beckley, and now she has branched out on her own.

Seby takes a lot of pride in her work, setting a high standard for herself in everything she does. Each customer gets personal attention to ensure they are truly getting what they need.

Low rates, experience and personal service - how can you beat that?

Current Certifications Include:


DCSE Microsoft Windows 8
DCSE Onsite Troubleshooting
DCSE Foundations 2010 Desktops Certification
DCSE Foundations 2010 Portables Certification
DCSE Customer Induced Damage


Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc SL400U



(304) 253-4879